Browns Fans: Did That Really Happen?

So it's Saturday afternoon and I happen to see a commercial for the Cleveland Browns. So as I'm getting excited for the season opener I proceed to hit up Stub Hub and snag some tickets to the game. It was the 3rd year in a row I've been to the home opener for the Browns. It's becoming a tradition for my brother and me. Thinking on the way there that there is no way it can get any worse than last year's season opener was our first mistake. So I'll just jump right into it.

 Brandon Weeden, the one I once called BW3 played the worst game as a quarterback I've seen in my young relationship with the Browns. The entire game we just kept putting it behind us how bad he was actually playing. After the 3rd interception the head scratching began. Reminising over the past hour of the game and now all the bad throws and decision making it was starting to sink in. Then we asked ourselves, do you honestly bring in Coly McCoy?

Talk about just an uncomfortable feeling as a Browns Fan. You knew that Colt would probably win you the game because of how bad Weeden was playing, but do you bring up all that drama again? In my opinion, Colt comes in that game, the Browns are 1-0. Now, is Colt McCoy the long term answer for the Browns? No, I do not believe so. But it should be about one thing and one thing only, winning football games. Especially here in Cleveland. But I also understand the point of leaving him in as well.
But don't lie to yourselves, Browns fans, you secretly wanted to see Colt McCoy in the football game. Not gonna get heavy into Richardson. Hadn't played in a month and is coming off surgery. And I don't care if Jim Brown was in the backfield, running straight into a wall is tough for anybody. Now, on to another point.

All the fans feeding me about how the defense played excellent? They gave up 456 yds of offense to a team in which the quarterback threw 4 interceptions. Listen, is the defense is the reason we stayed in the football game? Yes. Did they make big play after big play after big play? Yes. But stats don't lie, and that's a lot of yards to give up. Need I mention the gaping holes Shady McCoy had to run through. I think if they give that guy the ball 56 times instead of Vick, they probably would have rolled right over us. I'm one of the most optimistic Browns fans I know, but yesterday was absolutely brutal. And besides the awesome plays the defense made, I couldn't even find anything to be happy about because of how the game unfolded.

 I thought the atmosphere at that game was one of the best atmospheres I've been to, if not the best, at Browns Stadium. But the walk back to the car after the game shockingly felt worse than last year, and had my brother and I saying "Did that really happen?"
Joe Chaffin--Analyst C.B.R.
Joe's passion in life has always been sports. He loves writing about the Browns and is also a huge Indians and Cavs fan. He is currently attending The Ohio Center for Broadcasting in hopes to have his own sports talk show someday. You can listen to his internet radio show on Tuesdays from 2-4 at


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